Friday, August 28, 2009

[26] SEO Your Blog

If you own a blog but are struggling with getting traffic without having to constantly promote and market it then my advice is to improve your search engine optimization (SEO). There a lot of very contested arguments on the various variable that are in SEO, but you will find most of the experts agree on two things: In order to become well optimized you must--Have reputable back links, these can either be reciprocal or one way.-You will also need to optimize your blog content to target certain keyword phrases.The initial part of all SEO tactics has to be the research of your keywords. You need to come to the conclusion of which keywords will be able to get you the most visitors compared with how much work will need to be applied to get there. Google have their own keyword tool to tell you how many searches per month each keyword phrase receives, alternatively there is a program called word tracker that does a similar job but on a daily search count. It is widely believed that word tracker is in fact more accurate than Google. You can use both of these applications and search for a keyword phrase using synopsis, this will supply you with many choices for your keyword. You will then have to look over the search results in the search engines to determine what competition each keyword has (ie is the competition page ranked highly).You now have to apply the on page SEO, to do this you can add your keyword phrases to your title and headers for each designated page. The next step would be to edit your blog posts, the reason you need to do this is because you want to include your keywords within your article, always try to make it look as natural as possible because search engine spiders are getting more and cleverer in hunting out spam articles. I would advise you have a 1-4% keyword density (base it on 1 keyword phrase for every 100 words).The final step, after doing your on page SEO is to do your off-page. This is by far the most important factor in ranking highly in search engines. You need to submit links to various directories, including your keyword phrase in the link titles. Write articles on various article website such as ezine, if you provide quality content for them they will in turn provide you with a quality back link (search engines love ezine articles). Another good way to get back links is to swap links with other blogs, these sorts of back links are not as effective as one-way links but it all adds a bit of power to your blogs engine.Ok, Lets Recap:SEO is extremely important to the success of you blog, I highly recommend following a SEO Guide. The good thing about having a well written blog is that if you got to a stage where you wanted to try something different you could possibly go down the freelance writing route and use your blog as the example of your work. If you need any advise on How to become a freelance writer simply read my articles.Article Source:

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