Saturday, September 12, 2009

[59] Chose a Theme

Choose a theme for your website is not easy, which leads many people to choose to choose a theme that is very populated by competitors.
If you are just beginning their adventure on the Internet, choose the most simple.
Only a few privileged to have projects worldwide success as the creators of hi5, Google, the Facebook, etc..
Most users can not succeed in their projects, the most varied reasons.The main error is to choose the wrong topic for your site.
Create Simple Sites
The easiest and right for you is to keep things simple and not to major projects of high technical complexity and high cost of maintenance.

What is a simple site?
You create one or more sites on topics that are of your liking and you can create interesting content for other people who also are interested in these subjects.
If you look at the creation of sites that point of view, the task becomes much simpler.Like to bike? Why not create a site analysis of the brands and models of bicycles?
With an Affiliate program can earn money on each bike sold that has been recommended for you.
If you have enough knowledge on the topic of your site will be easy to write several articles for quality.
Then just have some knowledge of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and promote the site to attract traffic.
From the time when you have traffic, you simply choose the best way to monetize the site.
May be with Google Adsense with affiliate programs, or any other form that is applicable.
Creating a site is very simple and economical, and do not need to hire other people to help.
One person is enough to get one or more sites within topics like that. Veja um guia simples para criar sites . Here's a simple guide to create websites.

What are the best topics?
There are no topics to ensure success for all those who want to create sites within these themes.
You have your favorite topics and must be on those who need to do an analysis of their chances of success.
Writing about a topic that does not like, is always a bad idea in the long term.
An important part of success is to create content regularly.
This is very complicated to write about what dont like ...
Then should shun topics very attended at least until we have more experience in creating sites to make money online.

Importance of Topic Chosen
Sites that are successful are those that have certain common characteristics:
* Quality Content
* Updated Content
* Knowledge to promote your site
Success is not the night for the day and you need to learn to do all the tasks mentioned above.
The traffic will not come in a week or a month.
It may take three months or more to get a good amount of visitors.
The importance of the subject be of your liking, because not only is annoying to see results quickly and will eventually quit ...
The possibility of choosing a topic is theoretically unlimited because all people have common interests in some subjects.
Find out which are their work and from there.

Start with simple and clear objectives very well defined!
Do not think in large projects is just beginning.
Start your journey and slowly trace ambitious but simple conclusion.
Begin to create simple sites, learn as much as possible and develop its presence on the Internet slowly but consistently.
When you starting to have success the money arrives, it will gain even more motivation to continue your journey.
Who knows if you can not create your own job?
More and more people to achieve this goal.

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